reThink Your Hosting partners with designers to bring you affordable and professional web services. The following designers are experienced WordPress users and designers. (These designers are not affiliated with reThink Your Hosting outside of the specific partnership as described below.) Some of our designers also specialize in other services, including aMember and WooCommerce customization.
How do I work with design partners?
Working with our design partners can be an affordable way to build a professional looking website. To ensure that the process goes smoothly for you and for our design partner, I’ve put together some information to help everyone get on the same page:
reThink Your Hosting Design Partners program
Each Design Partner is a reThink Your Hosting affiliate. They will work with you to decide if the WordPress, aMember, Convert Kit or other software is the best solution for your needs. If so, then you can order your hosting account and software directly from reThink Your Hosting through the Design Partner’s affiliate link. This setup enables me to reward Design Partners who send clients to and work closely with us.
Design Partners also receive one-on-one design and business building instruction from me, including branding and usability tips, marketing and business growth information and resources. I also share my vast design, marketing, product selling and business building resources. In turn, Design Partner clients benefit from Design Partners who are more knowledgeable and trained than designers who are working alone.
The reThink Your Hosting Partners program is exclusive. I only allow a select group of partners into the program. The partners have been chosen based on their demonstrated skill with WordPress, aMember, ConvertKit, graphic design and business methods.
What to expect when working with a Design Partner
Your Designer is an expert WordPress designer and may have expertise with other programs, as well, that we offer. They have worked with the system at least six months and are aware of its capabilities and how to create a design that will seamlessly plug into the shopping cart of your choice. When you contact them, they will work with you to determine your shopping cart and web design needs. Once you decide to hire them, they may require you to sign a contract with them or agree to the web design terms on their site.
After you have purchased or contracted for their services, your design partner will instruct you to order your hosting and software, if you haven’t already. Once reThink Your Hosting has setup your account and installed your software, your designer will begin work on the site. The amount of time it takes for a site to be completed depends on how extensive the project is, how soon you send your materials to the designer, the designer’s current workload and your contracted agreement.
Things to consider
While Design Partners work closely with reThink Your Hosting, they are separate companies. Your Designer is not responsible for hosting account or software issues. They are knowledgeable about our systems and may offer assistance for issues during the course of your contract — or they may refer you to the reThink Your Hosting helpdesk.
I may tap the pool of Design Partners to help cover the reThink Your Hosting Helpdesk Department during times when I am not on the computer, out of the office, on vacation or sick. Design Partners are familiar with the system and the way reThink Your Hosting works, and therefore are the most logical choice for offering assistance in this area. Design Partners who are volunteering on the Helpdesk are only responsible for answering tickets during our agreed upon time and are not required to answer software or hosting-related emails sent to their design service email addresses. Please use the Helpdesk if you need assistance with your hosting account, even if your designer is manning the helpdesk.
The Design Partner is ultimately not responsible for providing hosting account support. If you need assistance with the hosting account, you will receive the fastest and most accurate response from the helpdesk.
Design Partners are only responsible for providing you with the design/template for your site and any additional services per your contract with the Design Partner.
reThink Your Hosting cannot be held responsible for any agreement or contract you have with the Design Partner.
How do I become a design partner?
If you are interested in becoming a reThink Your Hosting Design Partner, please submit the following information to our sales and billing department: